House Mouse Removal

Let us get rid of house mice at the source.

House Mouse Removal Services in Northern Mississippi

House mice can cause damage to your home, bring diseases into your house and make your home dirty. Therefore, you’ll want to stop mice from entering your home so you can avoid a house mouse infestation. However, preventing them is only part of the process, so we want to talk about some of the signs of a house mice infestation.

How to Prevent House Mice

If you aren’t sure how you can prevent house mice, we have some tips for you. First, you need to keep your home clean. Mice like to go into areas that are dirty with plenty of old furniture to chew into. A super clean home discourages them from coming in.

Keep in mind you’ll need to clear out old food and the less-visited areas of your home. Mice will go for old food and places that people don’t visit often, so you should move things around in your closets and other areas regularly. You should also look into sealing off any holes on the outside of your home.

Keep in mind that preventing a mice infestation can vary depending on your home and where you live. For example, you could place traps outside of your house near places where you think mice could enter. If you live in a busier neighborhood, mice may not frequent the space around your home as much. Rural homes, on the other hand, may have a higher population of mice in the area.

What Are the Signs of a House Mice Infestation?

It can be difficult to identify a house mice infestation if you don’t know what to look for. Luckily, we have some ways you can see if mice got into your home. For example, you should look through any place where you store food and look for bites and tears in the boxes.

Mice like to get into food, furniture and boxes. You should check for any damages to these types of belongings. You can also look through the darker areas of your home that you don’t go to very often. If there are mice in your home, then you could find some feces in the corners, in drawers and other hidden areas.

You should also listen for any sounds in your walls. You may hear movement and squeaking if you have a mice infestation. If you’re still unsure whether you have mice in your home, you can call a pest control company to check it out for you.

House mice can be a pain, especially if you don’t know how to prevent them or look for them. If you keep these tips in mind, you can help your home remain clear of mice, and you can always call upon pest control services to help you if any appear in your home. So make sure you give us a call and apply these tips so you can avoid an unwanted infestation in your house.


Initial Visit

During your first visit, your North Mississippi Pest Control technician will perform a thorough and comprehensive inspection and treatment of your home’s interior.

Ongoing Service

With each ongoing visit we’ll treat your home, fortifying your perimeter to certify your home remains pest free. We will do whatever is necessary to ensure all cockroaches are gone - even coming back between treatments at no cost to you.

Initial Visit

During your first visit, your North Mississippi Pest Control technician will perform a thorough and comprehensive inspection and treatment of your home’s interior.

Ongoing Service

With each ongoing visit we’ll treat your home, fortifying your perimeter to certify your home remains pest free. We will do whatever is necessary to ensure all cockroaches are gone - even coming back between treatments at no cost to you.

Pest Control Coverage Includes:

Why choose North Mississippi Pest Control for your Mice control?

Free Inspection

Ongoing Protection